Saturday, September 27, 2008

One Day Closer...

So here is our football family photo. The last one before little Lanna arrives. I do not know how they got Cale to smile but I was more than pleased with the results of this pic. Brian always does a good job taking pics...I do not know why I am surprised. I went to the Dr. yesterday for an ultrasound...and Lanna is measuring at 6lbs 9 oz right now. My blood pressure was "excellent" according to the Dr. so she said there was no reason to check me or move the date up! Yeah...then she decides to tell us that if we wanted to we could even move the date back a week. UHHHHH NOOOOOO!!!!! Her and Jeff were talking about the week after the 9th and I was like "no way". I HAVE to take Tylenol PM to sleep at night and my feet are so swollen everyday by noon they feel like they could burst open. She said it was up to me and I said to leave the date the same and we will see how I feel when I go back to the Dr. next Friday!!! She said she thought I would say that because "two weeks in pregnant time is like two more months"...I totally agree with her! Plus there is still soooo much to do!
Cale is excellent. He has been getting in trouble at the baby sitter's for biting. I guess this is just a 21 month old phase because this has never happened before. I hope it is anyway. I had to take him to the Dr. and turns out he had an ear infection and a nasty rash. Gotta love antibotics! He has now slept through the night four nights in a row!!! It had been about a month since that had happened. He is weighing in at 30 lbs. I can't believe he has gotten so big so fast!
Jeff started district last night and they are 1-0. It was way too close of a game. My parents came and watched. They put up with Cale so I could do a punt, pass and kick contest before the game started. Cale went to sleep at the end of the 3rd quarter and slept until the game was over. We took him down on the field and my mom and dad laid him on a blanket on the turf and everyone was filing out of the stadium by him and he never woke up. It was too funny! I am sure Jeff was disappointed he wasn't awake but they will get to bond tonight while I go to a shower and they stay home!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Hate Contractions...

Okay so I start my day at 8:30 with 5th grade P.E. then move to 4th grade at 9:15 and then 1st grade at 10:20. Not a whole lot of wiggle room to say use the restroom or ... HAVE CONTRACTIONS!!!! Oh my goodness. I was fortunate with my pregnancy with Cale that I did not have any false labor or Braxton Hicks Contractions...but this one has been another story. I do not know what brought them on but I would love to know so I would not be doing it ever again! Wow...this has been one of the longest days ever. It is only 7:40 and I am dreading the still of the night. They seem to be a lot worse when I am still or laying down. The only good thing is that it puts her getting her that much closer. I have to admit I can't wait to see her little face and hold her. It's a good thing you have an amazing ability of not remembering these painful details when the baby arrives...well you don't forget everything! I will keep everyone posted if anything changes...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Okay so any day now...

Went to the Dr. today for the check-up and all is right on schedule for Oct. 9th. Although she decided to tell us today if there is any spike in my blood pressure then "we will have to go ahead and take her early"....AHHHHHH!!!! Okay so there is like 5,000 things that still needs to be done before Lanna arrives and now I am in rush mode. I am swelling like a balloon and I have cankles pretty much all day every day and was reassured today that the numbness/tingling in my shoulders in the middle of the night is completely normal. Uh let me tell you that nothing dealing with a pregnancy is normal. It is all scary...all weird...and most of the time frustrating. I can't wait to meet her though and see if she looks like our little man Cale. I also can't wait for him to see her...I wonder how long after I have her out of my belly it will take him to stop pointing at my belly button and saying "baby"? All else is well...leaving in two hours for Wichita Falls for some football. Cale is loving life right now I am sure because he is with my parents in Oklahoma. Until next time...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

One month to go...

Well today marks the first day of the last month of Cale being an only child. I know he has know idea what is ahead of him but we are very excited. There is still so much to be done...I can't believe we are now only a month away. We are anxious to see our little Lanna and how Cale interacts with her. I am doing good just swelling throughout the day but it goes away at night. I am going to the Dr. on Friday for a short checkup. Then headed to Wichita Fall High for some Friday night Football of course. Cale is going to spend the night with Meme and Papaw...which he loves on Friday night so I do not have to fight him in a car seat for over two hours. Here are some pics I took of Cale in the last couple of days!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Swimmin' in September...

Okay so football is in full swing so that means on Sunday Jeff spends all day at the coaches office preparing for the next big game. So Cale and I decided we would go for a little swim time at a good friends' house. He loves Denise and her daughter Mattie and he calls them "Nee" and "MatMa". It's pretty darn cute. We spent a lot of time over there this summer and Cale just loves going over there. I have been meaning to get some video of him swimming since no one believes me when I tell them how good he does. He has never had lessons and what he does is just learned from going over to their house over the summer. I am pretty impressed at how quickly he picked it up. So I have to post my little man in the water.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Friday Night Football...

This is our life...Friday nights and usually Thursday nights too are consumed by high school football. My parents were able to come and watch some serious high school football last night. Cale was more than excited to have them there. I was pretty pumped too cause it had been a long day and my ankle was the same size as my calf. Just a little bit of swelling due to warm weather and standing entirely too much for one day. I got to try out my new camera last night and after some very frustrating pics I finally switched over to the video mode and captured some moments for us to keep. Jeff is no longer coaching from the press box and is now full time on the sidelines...I hate it. He is way too involved and tends to not watch what he says. I am glad our seats are far enough away I do not get to hear him, just get to watch in disbelief. I am attempting to post some of the videos and pics that were taken last night...I do not know how they will post.