Saturday, June 14, 2008

Well...It's Gonna Be A Girl!!!

I am more than pleased to inform you that we will be welcoming Lanna Jae Wigington into the world on October 9th. boy and one girl and we are done!! My due date is actually October 23rd but due to my pregnancy induced high blood pressure, the Dr. is scheduling a tentative c-section date of October 9th. Yes that is in the middle of Texas High School Football and it is also OU/TX weekend. I know great timing....just get her here safe and make sure there is a t.v. around that gets ABC and I think all will be okay. The pictures above are the latest of Cale and Jeff with their matching shaved heads. Too cute.

Cale...checking out that squirrel in the backyard! By the way Jeff laid that grass by himself, 10 whole pallets.


Dree said...

Congrats...girls rule!! I have a little over a month left and we still don't have a name...I think Baby Girl Wilson is starting to sound pretty good :) My c-section is 7/31 which is our anniversary. I'm determined to go the week before tho!! OU/Texas weekend...thats rough! How many people can you fit in your hospital room for the party.......?? haha. Good luck with the rest of pregnancy. Hope the PIH doesn't get too bad this time around for ya. Had really high bp with Riley...not fun at all.