Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Yes, Jeff Shaved Cale's Head!

Cale in daddy's shoes before the head shaving!

After Jeff shaved his head...such a big boy!

Cale coming out of the bounce house!

Such A Sad Time...But A Happy Time Too!

Well I am spending my last week at my elementary school. I have to move to a different campus next year. I am not at all thrilled about the idea of leaving the place I have called home for the past five years. My first group of kindergartners are going to be fifth graders next year and it will be more than sad seeing them off tomorrow for the last time. Although I will be in the same school district it will not be the same. I have loved working there and all the people I work with and well let's just be honest here...I don't like change AT ALL!!! I will however, learn to adjust and use the summer to come to terms with a new home and all that comes with it. I am sure it will all work out in the end. On a much lighter much to look forward to in the days and weeks ahead!!! On Friday we will be making the trip to OKC to see some old friends at the Women's College World Series. My hitting coach from OU has led his Florida Gators to OKC for the first time ever and I haven't seen him or his family in years so I am very excited about that. I am also going to get to see some other friends I haven't seen in a long time. Hall of Fame Stadium brings back soooo many good memories for me I just can't wait to go back there even if it is only for a short while...and for very different reasons. Then the next week I get to go to the doctor and have the BIG unltrasound to see what we are having...I will make sure to post that as soon as possible. I am very anxious to see what's been going on in there! Well I have to go get some rest so I can be all weepy tomorrow with my kiddos and co-workers at school. I am leaving this short video of Cale at our inflatable day we had yesterday at school. He got to spend the whole day with me and play with the big kids. He thought he was pretty hot stuff!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I have been TAGGED!!

I've Been Tagged...thanks to Dree!

How To Play This Game of Tag: Post these rules on your blog.
List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!
3 Joys
1. Hearing Cale laugh
2. Seeing baby #2 on the ultrasound...I have already had 4.
3. Spending time with my husband and family.
3 Fears
1. Miscarrying Again!
2. Going on bedrest.
3. Losing a loved one.
3 Goals
1. Family photos taken.
2. Go on a trip.
3. Lose all the weight.
3 Current Obsessions/Collections
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. New photo books you can make online or at Wal-Mart
3. Being at home.
3 Random Surprising Facts about Myself
1. I love spaghetti with ranch dressing on it!!! And not just when I am pregnant:)
2. I ckeck to make sure our doors are locked like 5 times before bed.
3. I brush my teeth in the shower!

I tag Sam, Dree, Callie, Adrienne and Nicole

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Eight Days and Counting... is hard to believe that it is already the middle of May. Where does time go? I have been enjoying the end of the school year and I am anxiously waiting for May 31st so I can officially say that school is OUT!!! I was however told this past week that I will not be returning to the same elementary school next year and I will be moved to another elementary campus. Although for driving Cale around it is perfect I do not like change!! I try to avoid it at all cost. But I think it will all work out in the long run. Jeff has one week left of spring football and I don't think he wants it to end...I think I can say he has been sucked into the world of Texas High School Football!!! I can't believe on the 30th Cale will be 18 months old. Jeff has been laying sod in our backyard...he put down 10 pallets of St. Augustine yesterday by himself...he is CRAZY!!! But our back yard looks like it should be in a magazine. Well I guess that is enough for now...waiting for school to be out and keeping up with post season softball is all I have to look forward to. I will be posting some pics of our new backyard when I get a chance! Hope all is well in your world!