Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Hate Contractions...

Okay so I start my day at 8:30 with 5th grade P.E. then move to 4th grade at 9:15 and then 1st grade at 10:20. Not a whole lot of wiggle room to say use the restroom or ... HAVE CONTRACTIONS!!!! Oh my goodness. I was fortunate with my pregnancy with Cale that I did not have any false labor or Braxton Hicks Contractions...but this one has been another story. I do not know what brought them on but I would love to know so I would not be doing it ever again! Wow...this has been one of the longest days ever. It is only 7:40 and I am dreading the still of the night. They seem to be a lot worse when I am still or laying down. The only good thing is that it puts her getting her that much closer. I have to admit I can't wait to see her little face and hold her. It's a good thing you have an amazing ability of not remembering these painful details when the baby arrives...well you don't forget everything! I will keep everyone posted if anything changes...